Signing Documents
Made Secure & Easy.

Techsign DOC Document Signing Platform helps all sizes of businesses to sign their documents quickly and securely.
Start signing documents and requesting signatures with your personal devices with verifiable electronic signatures.

Start Signing Documents For Free

Prepare An Agreement

Upload the PDF or Word document. Select one of the secure signing methods and place it on the document. Add recipients and set the deadline. Include recipient-based protection layers.

Share & Circulate

Send documents to multiple parties for them to sign in an electronic and legally acceptable manner. Follow the real time status of the document and notify late-signers.

Sign Document

Sign the document received by mail or SMS with your personal devices. Complete the process safely with your existing internet browser without the need to download any applications.

Manage Contracts

Keep the signed contracts safely. Create templates and automate contract workflows. Create a hierarchy tree and manage your documents with dealers and team members to collaborate with ease.

Document Signing Experience Just Got Better.

Sign Documents Anywhere, Anytime & On Any Device.

The Techsign DOC platform includes many features to improve document signing experience. The platform, which we have formed as a result of the needs analysis we have done with many sectors and departments, is designed to meet the demands of many users with different purposes.

  • Paperless Business Processes
  • Signer's Identity Verification
  • Remote & In Person Signing
  • Team & Branch Authorization
  • Automation With Templates
  • Instant Document Status Check
  • IOS & Android Mobile Applications
  • Additional Security Measures
  • Document Workflow Management
  • +5 Electronic Signing Options
A man in his car using his smart phone to sign documents
Man is using his smart phone to use elektronic signature
Unique Needs & Cases. One Solution.

Mobilize Contracts. Reduce Costs & Time. Agree Better.

Replace wet signature with Techsign DOC for all processes that require document signing. The platform offers common solutions for different sectors, departments and use cases. It allows you to manage your contracts in one place, automate paper processes, get signature from any party you like while also minimizing time, effort and storage costs.

Faster Agreement Cycles
Of Document Signed In Total
Avg. Cost Saving
Per Document

Why Choose DOC?

As Techsign team, we have been accelerating the digital transformation of the industry-leading companies for years. With this platform, we provide security, speed and accessibility with verifiable electronic signature methods for users of all sizes to sign their documents safely. For you, your business, your customers and nature.

Electronic signature is legally binding and court admissible

Compatible with International Legislation and Standards

The Techsign DOC platform was developed taking into account international laws and standards.


Digital Identification Regulation in Europe enables secure and seamless electronic interactions.

ISO 27001

The highest level of global information security assurance available today.


Common applicable legislation that sets standards for the protection of personal information.

All Electronic Signing Methods Available On Single Platform

A recipient does not need to be a member of the platform or download our application to sign a document. Open and sign in the browser. That is all.

Sign From Any Device

Easily access your customers, suppliers and international business partners. Get signatures from every device.

Choose Your Signing Method

Sign your document with the most appropriate signing method for you and your intended use.

A businessman is using his tablet to sign documents
Elektronic signature owner identity verification

Verifiable & Certified eSignatures With Secure Document Storage.

The Techsign DOC platform protects the signer; provides enhanced security for signature validity and document storage.

Forensic Software For Signature Verification

It is the software that Techsign provides to the security units to verify the identity of the digital signer.

On Demand Additional Documents & Proofs

Users can create a password to let recipients access their documents, request SMS OTP, and request additional documents (signature circular, identity document photo etc.), if they wish.

Techsign DOC For Real Estate

Close Your Deals Here
And There.

Minimize the flow of signatures between your dealers, salespersons and customers. Create templates and speed up paper processes. Let your customers sign from distance in a secure manner.

Techsign DOC For GDPR Compliance

GDPR Consent Collection In Branch & Online.

Get your GDPR permissions from your customer at the store or online. View the permissions of your dealers and report them easily. Secure your business with verifiable electronic signature.

Techsign DOC For Legal Services

Reduce Risk And Costs. Increase Convenience.

Reduce the two-week contract signing processes to minutes. Leave tiring processes behind, such as cargo, paper storage, and time-consuming repetition due to human errors.

Sign Documents With No Hidden Fees. Start With 14 Days For Free.

Wherever there is document signing for businesses of all sizes. Choose the package that suits your needs and get started right away. Your subscription can be scaled up and down any time.

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